In today's world time is precious. Inviting candidates from an English-speaking country for a job interview overseas also requires sizeable funds. Similarly, sending employees to conduct interviews in the United Kingdom and select the right candidate from many job applicants is both costly and time-consuming.
We advertise the vacancies on behalf of overseas institutions, shortlist candidates and interview them in prestigious locations in Cambridge. The institution we are recruiting for can watch the interview through Skype or Messenger and is kept informed at every stage of the process.
Out of many existing TEFL courses, The British Council which is an organisation promoting United Kingdom’s cultural relations and educational opportunities, endorses only a limited number of qualifications for the teachers of English working at language schools in the UK (information about these qualifications can be found in the British Council Accreditation UK Handbook, which is published every year with necessary updates). ASK Language Services follows the criteria set by The British Council in shortlisting the candidates for the interview. We are here to solve such problems for educational establishments that need to employ experienced, reliable and highly qualified English-language teachers. We make your success our goal; not only do we eliminate your workload, we also find you the best professional for the job.
Beryl Green Room in Lucy Cavendish College, University of Cambridge
(Images are reproduced with kind permission of Lucy Cavendish College)