Our Advisers
Professor Dr Guy Cook

Guy Cook is Emeritus Professor of Language in Education at King’s College, London. He was Chair of the British Association for Applied Linguistics 2009-2012 and co-editor of the journal Applied Linguistics 2004-2009. He is an Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences. He has published widely on language teaching, applied linguistics, discourse analysis and ecolinguistics.
Dr Edith Esch
His books include Translation in Language Teaching (2010) winner of the Ben Warren Prize, Genetically Modified Language (2004), Applied Linguistics (2003), The Discourse of Advertising (2001), Language Play, Language Learning (2000) winner of the Kenneth Mildenberger Prize. From 2002-2008 he directed four ESRC projects on disputes about food policy (on labelling, GM agriculture, organic farming, and school meals) and a Leverhulme Trust project on the discursive representation of animals (http://animal- discourse.wordpress.com).

Edith Esch started her career as Member of the Centre de Recherche et d’Applications Pedagogiques en Langues (University Nancy 2, France) from 1969 to 1974. She joined the Department of Linguistics of the University of Cambridge in 1974 as Assistant Director of Research in Applied Linguistics. She became Senior Research Fellow in the Faculty of Education of the University of Cambridge in 2000 and was the Director of the Cambridge University Language Centre from 1990 to 2000 after working for fifteen years in the Linguistics Department of the University., during which time she published The Bilingual Family (CUP. 1986, 2003) with Philip Riley. She served on the panel for European Studies for the Research Assessment Exercise 1996 and 2001.
Her main current research is in second language education with a special interest in the influence of the British and French pedagogical cultures in post-colonial contexts and more particularly in multilingual societies in Africa where both are in contact. With Mari Jones, she co-edited Language Change: The Interplay of Internal, External and Extra-Linguistic Factors (2002) and more recently with Martin Solly The Sociolinguistics of Language Education in International Contexts (2012), and Language Education and the Challenges of Globalisation (2014).
She is an Emeritus Fellow of Lucy Cavendish College.​
Degrees and Honours
Maîtrise ès lettres (Nancy 2, France),
PhD (OU), 1992.
Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Academiques (for services to education), 1993.
Membership of professional bodies/associations
British Association of Applied Linguistics, (BAAL) Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquee (AILA), and BAAL Special Interest Group on Africa.
Association for French Language Studies (AFLS)
Confédération Européenne des Centres de Langues dans l’Enseignement Supérieur (CERCLES). Up to 2000.
Stephanie Dimond-Bayir

Stephanie Dimond-Bayir is the Director of the Language Services Unit at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge where she also lectures on the M.A. TESOL and delivers teacher training courses and EAP classes. Stephanie has an M.Ed. from Cambridge University in Educational Research and is a CELTA and Delta trainer. She has been teaching and training for over 20 years both in the UK and many other countries across the world.
Her areas of interest are focused on resources and classroom practice, professional development and assessing teaching and learning. Stephanie works as a consultant and has advised on syllabus development, training programmes and designed training courses for National Ministries of Education and universities in a number of different countries.
She is the author of several publications including Unlock Speaking and Listening A2 (CUP), the online components for A1, A2 and B1+ Empower (CUP) and Improve Your Skills: Writing for IELTS 6.0-7.5 (Macmillan). She has also written Teacher’s Books for the young learner series Life Adventures (CUP) as well as articles for teaching journals and magazines.