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Our Mission

Director of ASK Language Services

ASK Language Services is founded on the understanding that many people from overseas countries, planning to come to the United Kingdom either to improve their skills in English or to continue their education at a secondary school or a university are in need of a reliable UK-based organization which has the internal knowledge of all the educational, geographical and cultural advantages that the country offers.


ASK Language Services is also aware that a significant number of educational institutions across the world need to employ high-calibre native speakers to teach English as a Foreign Language but are unable to satisfy this need locally for various reasons. To help establishments which lack the resources to travel to the UK in search of such teachers, ASK Language Services advertises the job vacancy; our team of highly experienced educators interviews applicants in prestigious settings; we then recommend to the overseas institution the most suitable candidate who fulfils the British Council's strict criteria for EFL teachers. â€‹


Whether you wish us to provide you with educational consultancy or to recruit a qualified and experienced EFL teacher with security clearance, please complete and return the form on our Contact page or send us an email ( with your request(s).


Dr Arin Bayraktaroglu​

Managing Director

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